Take a trip down memory lane with Steam Days magazine


Dear Readers, the April edition of Steam Days is almost here and this month there’s lots lined up…

In this issue of Steam Days magazine we take a look at the former SE&CR line south from Reading (Southern) through Wokingham, where it was joined from the east by the former L&SWR route from Waterloo, while the SE&CR continued on through Farnborough (North) towards Guildford and Redhill. For Rex, most of his days at Reading would see him spending time on Reading (General) station to watch the GWR ‘Kings’ and ‘Castles’, but a call at Reading’s Southern shed and station was always ‘a must’ during the day.

With Steam Days you can enjoy your own memories of places which are no more, just like Reading (Southern). Many of the once busy engine shed sites have become supermarkets, and Rex can recall a keen spotter from Scotland telling him that when visiting his local supermarket – at Perth – with his wife, he always reminded her that the delicatessen counter was exactly where the shed’s turntable used to be. After being informed of this so many times his wife was getting tired of hearing that fact! Another supermarket on the site of a former engine shed is at Skipton in North Yorkshire.

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In this month’s issue, you can join Andrew Britton in recalling the latter days of steam at Bicester on the Paddington-Banbury and Oxford-Bletchley lines, as well as considering the rail network of the town’s army ordnance depot; and David Anderson and Andrew Kennedy in reviewing the long-standing Scottish work of the ‘V1’ and ‘V3’ tank engines in the 1930 to 1957 period. You’ll also find letters sent in by readers, often with tales of their times on the railways.

It’s a great read and often a nice trip down memory lane. If you like the nostalgia of steam railway or would like to embark on a historical journey of the railways of Britain from the early days of the 1800s through to the end of steam on British Railways in August 1968, Steam Days is the magazine for you – dedicated to all steam railway enthusiasts.

Take a look at our latest subscription deals here, starting from just £24. You’ll have every monthly issue delivered straight to your door – which also makes a great gift if you know of any steam railway enthusiasts! Alternatively, if you’d like to try out an issue first, pre-order the April edition here, for just £5.25.

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