Book of the Week: The Railway Magazine Archive 1930s


The last great age of steam in Britain is revisited in this new collection of superb photographs from the extensive archive of the Railway Magazine.

Author Pete Kelly, former editor of The Railway Magazine Guide to Modelling, looks back to a time when streamlined steam express trains charged headlong through the English countryside every day of the week.

The 1930s would see a host of iconic engines constructed – such as the legendary LNER A4s, the beautiful LMS Coronation Class locos, the rare LMS Princess Royal Class and the workhorse LNER Class V2 engines built in large numbers for mixed traffic. This new volume collects rare images offering a glimpse of the days when these incredible engines could be found hard at work all over Britain.

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The Railway Magazine Archive 1930s by Pete Kelly is available for only £7.99 from

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