Our sister title, The Railway Magazine has this year reached the incredible milestone of 125 years of continuous publication.
Launched in 1897, when Queen Victoria was on the throne and Robert Gascoyne-Cecil was prime minister, the magazine has been the journal of record for all railway matters since then.
In the same time, we’ve seen five further monarchs, another 23 prime ministers, two world wars and tremendous social and economic change, with The Railway Magazine offering constant news content and a unique blend of award-winning photos, features, interviews and exclusives throughout.
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Working in partnership with The Railway Magazine, Buckingham Covers has produced this stunning stamp in the style of the first magazine. It features an image of steam locomotive No.3440 City of Truro and has a second class barcoded Machin along with a Horncastle, July 1, 2022 postmark.
Order your stamp today for just £10.95 for yourself, a friend or to support The Railway Magazine.
Find out more here: www.buckinghamcovers.com/RailwayMagazine125